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Legal Department
Head of the Department
Attorney B. Riese
(Legal (ADD) iucc (DOT) eu)
Press Office
Head of the Department
B. Lury
(press (ADD) iucc (DOT) eu)
Special Services and Departments
The Task and Goal is to form your own individual (international) Representatives ( English speaking Agents ) to gather Informations about Criminal Activities such as:

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- Terrorism
- Formations of Criminal Associations
- Incitement of Racism and Minorities
- Child Pornagraphy
- Security (Internet, Product Protecion)
- Drugs (Sale, Smuggling and Production)
- Economic Fraud and Crime
- Investigations and Search of Missing or Wanted Persons , Locally or International
- Corruption.

; War Criminals, Individuals  Wanted by Interpol, Europol or Police departments. Received Informations to be forwarded to the Group Inspector ( English Group Inspector) which will forward all Intel to the proper Authorities.
Group Inspector must have Knowledge, Expierence or special Education or at least 5 years of active membership in I.U.C.C.
